Vote NO 954
Vote NO 594

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Washington State Sheriff Steve Mansfield says Initiative 594 will "chip away at our Constitutional Rights"

Recently, I received an email from Seattle Mayor Ed Murray inviting me to join him in supporting I-594. I don’t personally know Mayor Murray and am not sure why he thinks I would support I-594.  I assume Murray is a very nice man even though I don’t care much for his political views especially concerning gun control. To be perfectly clear, I am not supporting I-594.  As a matter of fact, I have not yet talked to one sheriff that is supporting this initiative. As your sheriff, I can assure you my position in the past and today remains firm in the” law of the land” and support of our constitution. The “law of the land” in regards to our second amendment is clear and has been reinforced by the most recent Supreme Court decisions. “The right to bear arms stands.”

I-594: Giffords to speak; rural sheriffs oppose gun background checks

“This initiative is a violation of the Second Amendment. I come from a gun-owning family and it would be a crime every time someone wanted to use my trap gun at a trap shoot,” said Ben Keller, sheriff of Garfield County.

Gun background check at 60 percent support

Support has dipped but Initiative 594, which would close the “gun show loophole,” is holding onto a 60 percent support and a two-to-one lead among Washington voters, according to a new statewide Elway Poll.

Support for a rival measure backed by the gun lobby, I-591, has plummeted in the poll and now stands at only 39 percent. Forty-four percent of those surveyed said they oppose the measure.


Sgt Scott Brennan is a 26 year veteran of law enforcement and opponent of Initiative 594.  Read his letter to the editor to learn the facts about this initiative.   

NRA Says It's 'Very Committed' To Defeating I-594

The National Rifle Association says it’s “very committed” to defeating a background check measure on Washington’s November ballot.

But the gun rights group says it has no plans to compete financially with the campaign in favor of Initiative 594.

Effort to expand gun background checks starts ads

A campaign that supports "universal" background checks for gun sales will start running TV ads this week, a spokesman said Wednesday. Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility spokesman Geoff Potter told The Associated Press that that the 30-second ad in support of Initiative 594 would run on Seattle broadcast channels starting Thursday.

Bill Gates, wife donate $1 million to gun control group

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda, have donated $1 million to a Washington state campaign seeking to expand background checks on gun sales, bringing the total amount the campaign has brought in up to nearly $6 million.

Paul Allen donates $500K to gun control initiative

Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen has donated $500,000 to a campaign seeking to expand background checks on gun sales in Washington state.

His Aug. 11 donation to Initiative 594 was made public when it posted on the state's Public Disclosure Commission website Monday afternoon. Campaign manager Zach Silk told The Associated Press that the campaign was grateful for Allen's support.

Gun Control Group gives $1M for ads promoting I-594 ballot measure

With Washington voters set to decide on competing gun initiatives this fall, a tax-exempt nonprofit group is launching a major TV ad campaign promoting universal background checks for all gun sales.

The Center for Gun Responsibility, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, announced the TV ad campaign Friday. Molly Boyajian, a spokeswoman for the group, said its $1 million campaign will include two weeks worth of broadcast TV ads in the Seattle market, as well as 950 cable TV spots and additional Internet advertising.

Wash. activists battling billionaire bucks over gun rights, privacy

Another big bucks infusion from billionaire Steve Ballmer and his wife, Connie to the Initiative 594 campaign, reported yesterday by the Seattle, shows what Washington state grassroots gun rights activists are up against in their battle to prevent government gun confiscation without due process, while also resisting what they consider an extremist gun control measure that even the state’s rank-and-file police and sheriff’s deputies oppose.

Voters should oppose Initiative 594

Initiative 594 is a perfect example of “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.” It is a lie that is being sold to people in the hopes that they will unwittingly vote Initiative 594 into law. Don’t be fooled by those willing to promote the lie to justify the ends.

Gun control, gun rights advocates push dueling ballot measures in Washington

SEATTLE — Even for the end of term, the campus was exceptionally empty. The occasional student drifted past Otto Miller Hall, peering into the boxy gray science-and-engineering building, but there was no going inside. Not with the yellow police tape blocking the doors.

Video: A debate about gun initiatives I-591 and I-594

Confused about the two state initiatives coming in the Nov. 4 election about gun control and gun rights? Check out our editorial board interviews with supporters and opponents of Initiative 591 and Initiative 594. TVW produced video of the interviews.

Gun-control backers, foes rally in Esther Short Park

Karen Kasmer Hsue and her friend were about to head to the theater to see the 1986 movie "Pretty in Pink" when her girlfriend playfully pulled a shotgun off the wall, pointed it at her and pulled the trigger.

The ‘gun show loophole’ initiative loads up money for fall battle

The Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility began the week by reporting $500,000 in new contributions to the state Public Disclosure Commission, with likely an equal or greater amount where that came from.

Opponents of ‘gun show loophole’ armed with cash for fall campaign

The National Rifle Association spent millions of dollars with no comeback when it last took aim at a Washington ballot initiative, but this year its the gun safety campaign that’s armed with campaign cash.

High noon at the Westin today, another I-594 ‘kickoff’

Monday’s noon campaign kickoff for Initiative 594 came on the heels of yesterday’s Seattle Times report on “skyrocketing” concealed pistol licenses (CPL) in Washington, and ten days after the Isla Vista attack demonstrated that the so-called “universal background check” (UBC) scheme at the core of the well-financed gun control measure does not prevent the kind of crime its backers use as an example for why voters should pass it,gun rights advocates say.

State's concealed-carry permits skyrocket, especially for women

The number of Washington state residents receiving a concealed-carry permit tripled between 2005 and 2012. The surge has been especially large among women, whose ranks have swelled twice as fast as men since 2011. Overall, more than 451,000 residents now have a permit.

Just how many political kick-offs do gun prohibitionists need?

The Seattle-based Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility (WAGR) – the well-financed gun controlgroup pushing Initiative 594 – has announced its noon campaign kick-off on June 2 at Seattle’s Westin Hotel, but this is not the first such event the organization has had since launching the effort more than a year ago.

Confusion on the ballot? Gun measures to duel

When there is talk of tightening gun laws, people often flock to Nick Pratka's firearms store in Vancouver; they stock up on ammunition and know exactly how they would cast their vote.

Two incompatible gun ballot measures lead in Washington state

Two incompatible ballot measures on background checks for gun buyers in Washington state enjoy majority support in a poll released on Tuesday, but the one advancing stricter gun controls is more popular.

Gun prohibitionists exploit Fort Hood for Washington campaign

In the gun rights community, it’s called “dancing in blood,” and yesterday the Initiative 594 campaign donned its ballet slippers, using the tragedy at Fort Hood that Fox News earlier today reported at “sparked a new debate about gun control and the defense budget.”

Gun-rights advocates watching Connecticut

If you haven’t been paying attention to what’s happening in Connecticut, you probably should. Last year, Connecticut passed a law requiring that certain rifles be registered by the end of the year — 50,000 registrations were received, about 4 percent compliance. Estimates are that 100,000+ people in Connecticut went to bed on Dec. 31st as law-abiding citizens and woke up the next day as felons.

Gun wars to heat up in 2014

As gun rights and anti-gun campaigns continue to clash, 2014 is shaping up to be a critical year for gun legislation.

Gun control advocates submit state ballot initiative

Advocates seeking to expand the use of background checks on gun sales submitted a Washington state ballot initiative Tuesday, taking a new approach after both federal and state lawmakers passed on similar proposals.

Myths vs Facts

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